Of course, predicting future growth with any certainty is impossible, so we may be better served to look for leading indicators – such as companies that are attracting significant private investment (indicating that their investors recognize their growth potential), and/or which have grown their employment ranks on a track that could enable them to surpass Mike’s 100-employee hurdle sometime in the not-too-distant future.
So, here’s a list for starters… The following 20 tech companies either: (1) have raised at least $10 million in venture capital during the past five years; or (2) currently employ at least 50 people.
- Aethon*
- Akustica
- BodyMedia
- BPL Global*
- Cellumen*
- CombineNet
- HyperActive Technologies*
- Inspired Technologies
- Invivodata
- Knopp Neurosciences*
- Landslide Technologies*
- Millennium Pharmacy Systems
- Netronome Systems
- Plextronics*
- Precision Therapeutics*
- RedPath Integrated Pathology*
- Renal Solutions
- True Commerce*
- Vivisimo*
*Note: Companies with an asterisk received seed funding from Innovation Works.
The above list is not exhaustive, and only reflects a quick scan of venture funding data from the PWC MoneyTree Survey, plus employment figures published on the web or in recent press articles. IW is also aware of a handful of additional companies that fit the criteria which haven’t been disclosed publicly.
For more discussion on this topic, take a look at Pop City's Companies to Watch in 2008 article.